Rev. Dr. Richard Haley, Pulpit
Mrs. Jena Marie DiPinto, Music
Mr. Jay Smith, Online Worship Host
What is a Baptist Church?
Baptists are individuals who comprise a group of Christian denominations and churches that subscribe to a doctrine that baptism should be performed only for professing believers (believer's baptism, as opposed to infant baptism), and that it must be done by complete immersion (as opposed to affusion or sprinkling). The word 'baptize' in the traditional Greek literally means immersion.
Are Protestants and Baptists the same?
Baptist churches are widely considered to be Protestant churches, though some Baptists disavow this identity. Baptists recognize two ministerial offices, pastors and deacons.
What is the difference between American Baptists and Southern Baptists?
Southern Baptists and American Baptists share common roots but have distinct differences.
Baptists have always been fiercely independent and committed to autonomy of the local church. These characteristics led to the division of the church into Southern and Northern Baptists, which was eventually changed to American Baptist.